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Technician Mentorship: A Multigenerational Approach

Technician Mentorship Across Generations


Three auto technicians talking and learning, one mentor, two gen z mentees


Generation Z is rapidly entering the workforce, with 17.1 million already actively contributing. Industries — especially automotive — are facing new hiring and retention challenges.

Gen Z, or Zoomers, are an ultra tech-savvy, purpose-driven generation that has distinct needs and expectations unlike any generation before. The simple act of greeting and meeting a Zoomer can be the difference between a revolving door of employees and a team that sticks around for the long haul. They are hard to attract and skittish about employment, regardless of the business.

But here’s the beauty of it: what works for Gen Z — career growth and development opportunities — doesn’t just benefit them, it benefits companies as well. If you can attract, train, and retain one Zoomer, it strengthens the entire team — from seasoned pros to the newest hires who are probably Gen Z-er’s too.


Mentoring: Where Knowledge Meets Fresh Ideas


Mentorship in the automotive world is honorable. It’s like passing the torch — except, in this case, it’s more like passing down decades of hard-won experience and technical wisdom.

Imagine pairing a young, enthusiastic tech wizard with a patient mentor who’s been around when carburetors ruled the road. Generation Z is hungry for knowledge and eager to learn from experienced professionals. Mentorship is invaluable to them, and they are actively seeking it out. It gives a skittish new hire the opportunity to soak up the practical, hands-on expertise that only comes from years in the business, while also building confidence and easing the anxieties that many Gen Z workers experience.

Fact: Mentoring accelerates mentees on their pathway to competency.

But don’t think mentoring is a one-way street. Seasoned professionals benefit just as much. They’re also learning about the latest innovations — like how AI, ADAS, and other cutting-edge technologies are transforming the industry.

On-the-job mentors are on a two-lane highway of learning. It may feel surprisingly uncomfortable to a journeyman tech to mentor, but done right, everybody wins.

Plus, it keeps mentors engaged and instills a sense of pride as they share their expertise and help shape the future of automotive services. And let’s be honest, there’s a certain satisfaction when a veteran mechanic thinks, “Back in my day, we didn’t have an app to tell us when the engine light came on.”


Clear Career Pathways: Mapping the Road to Success


Generation Z is looking for clarity. So, be clear!

They don’t expect to just show up, check in and out, and call it a day — they want to know where they’re headed. A well-structured career pathway is like handing them a GPS for their future. Gen Z wants a plan.

Whether it’s helping them turn a dream of becoming a master mechanic into a reality, leading a sales team, or working on emerging autonomous vehicle technology, Zoomer’s need to see a clear roadmap. According to ASE polls of recent graduates, 41% leave the industry after two years due to not having one.

And that GPS or roadmap should include expectations of all the stops and requirements along the way — training, acquiring and using skill sets, achieving meaningful certifications, and other milestones throughout their journey.

But here’s the kicker — this kind of career structure isn’t just for Gen Z. It benefits everyone, no matter where they are in their professional journey. When companies provide opportunities for professional development, mentoring, coaching, ongoing learning, and clearly planned advancement, employees of all ages feel valued and motivated.

A defined career path shows everyone — whether they’re fresh out of school or well into their career — that there’s always room to grow. When employees know where they’re headed and have a great mentor guiding them, they’re much more likely to want to take the driver’s seat instead of looking for the next exit.


A Multigenerational Tune Up: A Win for Every Generation


Mentorship and career pathways don’t just rev up Generation Z; they fine-tune the whole workforce. Baby Boomers and Generation X — many of whom have spent decades in the automotive industry — can take on mentorship roles, sharing their safety knowledge, short cuts, support and help in accelerating competency of younger or yet-to-be-skilled employees.

Meanwhile, Millennials, who are stepping into leadership positions, can leverage strategies to build strong, collaborative teams. Teams that are equipped to handle whatever the technical advances and uncertain future brings.

From ICE to Hybrid, Hydrogen to EV, and ADAS — the young must learn new technologies to keep the world rolling.

Fostering a culture of participation in mentorship and growth keeps the team engaged and connected. When different generations are working together, exchanging ideas, and learning from each other, the entire company benefits. The diversity of thought that comes from a multigenerational team creates innovation, problem-solving, and, ultimately, a more successful business.

You must build your own! Specific technologies are so different between vehicles.  Work knowledge needs to be more specific and less general because techs can’t learn enough to be safe and qualified on every vehicle like in the old days.


Shifting the Automotive Industry into High Gear


Let’s face it — the automotive industry is in the middle of a transformation. The rise of electric vehicles, autonomous driving, and smart technology means that companies need to stay sharp and agile. The key to staying ahead? Attracting and retaining the best talent. And that’s where mentorship and career pathways come in.

Business must participate and not wholly expect career-tech schools to solve the shortage. Business must take the lead:

  • Start Mentorship Programs: Pair up-and-coming Gen Z employees with experienced mentors to facilitate knowledge sharing, collaboration, and a smoother transition into the industry.
  • Create Career Pathways: Present prospective employees with a clear understandable plan that includes where they can go and how they can get there, whether they’re aiming for technical mastery, management roles, or specialized positions.
  • Encourage Cross-Generational Collaboration: Foster a culture where employees of all generations can work together and learn from each other. After all, a team that’s aligned is a team that thrives.
  • Promote Continuous Learning: Offer training, workshops, and certifications that keep everyone — whether they’ve been with the company for a year or a decade — up to speed on the latest industry developments. Offer mentoring!


Final Thoughts: Everyone Wins with a Mentoring Program


In an industry as fast-paced and innovative as automotive, mentorship and meaningful support for career pathways aren’t just nice-to-haves — they’re essential.

Generation Z is the new workforce, eager for guidance and knowledge. Meanwhile older generations, bring invaluable institutional memory and can stay engaged by sharing their hard-earned expertise.

And for companies? Well, this dynamic creates a workplace that runs like a well-tuned engine, with everyone moving forward — together.

So, whether you’ve been under the hood for decades or are just getting your hands dirty for the first time, there’s one thing we can all agree on: mentoring programs and clear career pathways keep the automotive industry in top gear.

Need a hand getting your mentoring program and career pathways up and running? Mentor Mentee may be right for you! Click here to book a demo and educate our team on your unique training needs.