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Analyzing TechForce Foundation’s 2023 Technician Report

Analyzing TechForce Foundation’s 2023 Technician Report

Have we reached a turning point in the technician shortage? The TechForce Foundation’s 2023 Tech Supply and Demand Report marks a significant uptick in postsecondary completions in automotive, collision, diesel, and aviation sectors for the first time in a decade! This trend is a hopeful way to address the long-standing technician shortage in the transportation industry.

Key Highlights:

  • Growing Number of Graduates: After years of decline, there’s an encouraging rise in the number of graduates from technical programs.
  • Increased Technician Employment: Most sectors, except diesel, have seen a rise in technician employment, outpacing the overall growth of the US labor force.
  • Electric Vehicles Impact: EVs have fewer maintenance requirements, yet their current market share minimally impacts overall technician demand.

On-the-job (OTJ) training and mentoring are vital for the long-term success of new technicians in the automotive industry. This hands-on approach provides practical experience and real-world skills that can’t all be taught in a classroom. Mentoring, in particular, plays a critical role in this learning process. Experienced mentors offer guidance, share valuable insights, and provide feedback, helping new technicians navigate complex technical challenges and industry nuances. This personalized learning fosters confidence and competence, ensuring new technicians are well-equipped to handle the evolving demands of the automotive field and contribute effectively to their workplaces from the outset.

Mentor Mentee proudly stands as part of the solution to this shortage. Our platform equips new technicians with the skills to thrive in this evolving industry. We’re committed to supporting the growth and development of technicians, ensuring they’re ready for the challenges and opportunities.

To read the full 2023 Supply & Demand Report, visit

We’re filling jobs, building careers, and shaping the transportation industry’s future. For more details on the report and our initiatives, visit

Celebrating Mentorship Success in 2023

The Power of Mentorship

As we wrap up 2023, it’s vital to recognize how mentorship has driven career growth in the auto tech industry.








Mentors as Career Catalysts

Good mentors impart technical skills and guide, inspire, and help set and achieve goals, leading to career progression and confidence.

Our Platform’s Contribution

Our courses and tools provided the necessary support for mentors and mentees to succeed, illustrating the platform’s role in successfully training new technicians.

Looking Ahead

We’re proud of our community’s achievements this year. Mentors have been a crucial factor in driving career growth. Let’s continue this momentum into 2024.

Join the Community

Step into a community that fosters growth and success. Join us in making 2024 a year of even greater achievements. Click below to schedule a 30-minute demo of Mentor Mentee’s Technical Mentoring Platform. 



Analyzing TechForce Foundation’s 2023 Technician Report

End-of-Year Checklist for Automotive Technicians and Mentors

As the year draws to a close, it’s a great time for automotive technicians and mentors to reflect, review, and prepare for the upcoming year. This checklist will guide you through the essential steps to effectively close the year and set the stage for a prosperous new year.

1. Review Your Goals:

Look back at the goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the year. Evaluate your progress and identify areas where you excelled or need more focus.

2. Update Your Skills Inventory:

Reflect on the new skills you’ve acquired this year. Update your resume and professional profiles to reflect these additions.

3. Gather Feedback:

Seek feedback from peers, managers, and mentees. Understanding how others perceive your work can provide valuable insights for future improvement.

4. Reflect on Mentorship Experiences:

For mentors, consider the impact you’ve had on your mentees. Think about the mentoring strategies that worked well and those that need to be improved.

5. Plan for Professional Development:

Identify any gaps in your skills or knowledge. Plan for training or certifications you may want to pursue in the coming year.

6. Organize Your Workspace:

A tidy workspace can lead to a more productive environment. Organize your tools and workspace to start the new year fresh.

7. Update Your Toolset:

Evaluate your tools and equipment. The end of the year is an ideal time to consider upgrades or replacements.

8. Reflect on Industry Trends:

Stay informed about the latest trends in automotive technology. This knowledge can guide your learning and career path in the new year.

9. Set Goals for the New Year:

Based on your reflections and the industry outlook, set realistic and challenging goals for the following year.

10. Celebrate Your Achievements:

Finally, don’t forget to celebrate your successes and growth over the past year!


This checklist is a starting point to help you wrap up the year thoughtfully and enter the new year with clarity and purpose. Remember, continuous learning and adaptation are crucial to success in the ever-evolving world of automotive technology.

Ready to rev up your career in the new year? Join our Mentor Mentee growing community for resources, support, and guidance as you navigate the road ahead.

Click below to schedule a 30-minute demo of Mentor Mentee’s Technical Mentoring Platform. 


How Mentorship Contributed to Career Growth in 2023

As we approach the end of 2023, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the pivotal role that mentorship has played in shaping the careers of automotive technicians. The journey of learning and growth in any technical field is challenging, and having a mentor by your side can make all the difference. Let’s explore how mentorship has led to remarkable career advancements in the automotive industry this year.

Embracing Change

The auto industry is evolving rapidly with new technologies. Mentors need to prepare the next wave of technicians for these changes.

Mentorship is more than just teaching technical skills. It’s about guidance, encouragement, and sharing experiences that no textbook can offer. In 2023, we witnessed firsthand how mentors in our Mentor Mentee network helped mentees navigate complex challenges, learn new skills, and gain confidence in their roles and careers.

Success Stories

This year, several of our mentees achieved notable milestones. As a whole, Mentees obtained and recorded competency in more than 2,000 tasks – ranging from underbody to engine repair. 

The Big Changes

Cars are getting more advanced. We’re not just talking about electric vehicles or ones that drive themselves. The whole way we think about cars is changing. Mentors need to stay on top of this to help their mentees.

Understanding the Evolution

The industry is more than just electric or self-driving cars; it’s about a holistic transformation. Mentors play a crucial role in guiding mentees through these advancements.


Mentors are vital in preparing techs for the future. Let’s collaborate to shape the next era in auto tech.

Are you ready to steer your technicians towards career success? Join our Mentor Mentee network and find your dealership or service center’s path to growth and accomplishment. Let’s make 2024 a year of even more outstanding achievements!

Click below to schedule a 30-minute demo of Mentor Mentee’s Technical Mentoring Platform.



End-of-Year Checklist for Automotive Technicians and Mentors

Mentoring for “Zoomers:” Aligning with Gen Z Values

In today’s workforce, ‘Mentoring for Zoomers’ in the automotive industry is becoming increasingly vital. This blog explores how the Mentor Mentee platform aligns with the values and needs of Generation Z, offering a sense of value, constant feedback, structured guidance, accountability, and a connection to a larger purpose.

Feeling Valued
Zoomers crave a workplace that recognizes their contributions. Mentor Mentee’s platform enables managers and mentors in dealerships and automotive service centers to remember the efforts of their young technicians, making them feel valued and respected. Mentoring for Zoomers in these roles creates a positive and productive environment.

Constant Feedback
Regular feedback is vital for Zoomers’ professional growth. Mentor Mentee provides a system where mentors can give ongoing, constructive feedback to their mentees, fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

Structured Guidance
Zoomers appreciate clear directions and structured guidance. Mentor Mentee’s custom task lists and educational courses offer a structured learning approach, helping Zoomers confidently navigate their roles.

Accountability is vital to Zoomers’ sense of responsibility. The platform’s proprietary assessments for mentors and mentees ensure everyone is held accountable, promoting a responsible and efficient workplace.

Being Part of Something Bigger
Zoomers want to contribute to something meaningful. By joining Mentor Mentee, they become part of a community that elevates the automotive industry’s standards and practices, aligning with their desire to make an impact.

Mentor Mentee stands as an exemplary platform aligning with Zoomers’ workplace values. By integrating our system, dealerships and automotive service centers can meet and exceed this new generation’s expectations, fostering a productive, engaged, and future-ready workforce.


Discover how Mentor Mentee can transform your workplace to meet the needs of the new generation.


Schedule a Demo to learn more.

We’ve Calculated the ROI of Investing in Your Technicians

When you prioritize your employee’s development, especially technicians, the returns are impressive.

The Good News
Did you know that by simply investing in a technician’s development – both personally and professionally – you could be generating an extra $7,685* of new revenue per technician each year?

Let’s put that into perspective. The average US dealership employs an estimated average of 15 auto techs. That’s a whopping annual revenue bump of $115,275!

Here at Mentor Mentee, we’ve crafted our Technical Mentoring platform with the nuances of automotive technicians in mind. And guess what? Investing in this growth starts at just $2,499 per year.

The Not-so-Good News
Now, let’s flip the coin. It’s no secret that losing a technician can put a dent in a dealership’s wallet. On average, it takes an estimated 27.5 days to fill the shoes of a departed technician. Considering each technician can pull in about $622/day, the cost of not retaining one technician racks up to $17,111** over the estimated time.

But here’s the silver lining – investing in your people always brings a tangible ROI.

When you crunch the numbers, it’s crystal clear: Mentor Mentee isn’t just a platform—it’s a strategic investment.

But beyond the numbers, our platform is uniquely designed to support new and seasoned techs. For the rookies, it offers a guiding light, building foundational skills and confidence. For the veterans, it’s a platform to refine, mentor, and even rekindle their passion for the craft. The ROI is twofold: tangible profits and a thriving, skilled workforce. By choosing Mentor Mentee, you’re not just investing in a system; you’re investing in the future and prowess of your technicians.

Schedule a Demo



Average number of total employees per dealership = 64
Average techs per dealer = 15 (64/23.9%)
Annual Turnover rate for techs = 46%
Estimating 30% of techs need upskilling
Positive productivity increase per year through upskilling = 6%
Productivity days per year = 225
Productive days per year (45 weeks x 5 working days) = 225
Increase In Revenue Turnover Per Employee = $7,685

No. of productivity days lost to replace technicians = 27.5 days
Revenue turnover per day per lost employee = $622
Loss of revenue turnover per lost employee @ 27.5 days = $17,111



What Repair Processes Teach Us About People

Auto repair is not just about nuts and bolts; it’s a nuanced dance of problem-solving, communication, and human interaction. Surprisingly, diagnosing and fixing a car offers valuable insights into understanding people. Let’s explore how.

Diagnosis: The Power of Listening
Before any repair begins, technicians diagnose the issue. Similarly, in human interactions, listening is the first step to resolving any conflict or challenge. Whether you’re a manager, mentor, or mentee, taking the time to ‘diagnose’ through active listening can make all the difference.

Troubleshooting: Adaptability and Problem-Solving
Once the diagnosis is complete, the next step is troubleshooting. In the shop and life, problems rarely have one-size-fits-all solutions. Being adaptable and open to various methods is critical to practical problem-solving, whether for a complex engine repair or a team project.

The Repair: Skill and Patience
The repair process often requires specialized skills and a great deal of patience. It’s the same with people – professional or personal, relationships need care, understanding, and sometimes, a little troubleshooting. The skill lies in knowing when to tighten the screws and when to loosen them.

Skill Assessments
Leverage our soft-skill assessments to identify the specific competencies your technicians, mentors, and managers excel at or may need to improve on.

Quality Control: Continuous Feedback
After the repair, quality control ensures the job is done right. Regular check-ins and feedback between mentors and mentees in the workplace can help both parties improve and succeed. Make these interactions count by incorporating our educational courses on soft skills like communication and adaptability.

Final Test Drive: The Learning Never Stops
Much like technicians take a car for a test drive after repairs, our growth as professionals and people continues. Continual learning and adaptation are vital under the hood and in the office.

The auto repair process offers more than just a mechanical fix; it provides a blueprint for understanding people. By applying the principles of diagnosis, troubleshooting, and quality control, we can enhance our cars and interpersonal relationships.

So, the next time you’re in the shop, remember: you’re not just fixing cars but also honing life skills that are key to personal and professional growth.

Book a Demo with Mentor Mentee to learn how our process helps technicians thrive.

Pairing Predictive Maintenance with Productive Mentoring

Regarding heavy-duty diesel maintenance, predictive analytics have been a game-changer. But have you ever considered pairing this tech-savvy approach with a solid mentoring program? It’s a win-win, boosting both vehicle performance and workforce development. Here’s why.

The Power of Predictive Maintenance
Predictive maintenance helps you know when your diesel machines need attention. Algorithms, sensors, and data collection methods sync to forecast issues. Doing so lets you schedule maintenance tasks quickly, minimizing downtime and maximizing efficiency.

Mentorship and Predictive Maintenance: The Perfect Duo
Here’s the kicker: This schedule can align perfectly with mentee training. As maintenance tasks become due, it provides a structured environment for mentees to learn and perform these tasks under supervision. It’s real-time learning tied to real-world needs.

Culture and Skill Assessments
Before diving in, leverage assessments to match mentors and mentees based on their soft skills and cultural fit, which ensures that learning is as frictionless as possible and maximizes the value of each mentoring session.

Educational Courses
With our soft skill-based educational courses, mentors and mentees are better equipped to communicate, problem-solve, and adapt, which means a more productive and enjoyable mentoring experience for everyone.

Task Lists for Skill Development
We provide custom task lists on which mentees can log repetitions, which aligns perfectly with the maintenance schedule. This structured approach helps mentees build the necessary skills while contributing to essential maintenance tasks.

Predictive maintenance isn’t just smart for your diesel machines but also for your people. By aligning mentoring programs with maintenance schedules, you’re setting up your fleet and future technicians for success.

Ready to merge predictive maintenance with productive mentoring? Let’s chat.

A Tale of Two Techs: Why Having a Mentor Isn’t Just Fluff

Meet two entry-level technicians: Alex and Taylor. Both loves getting dirty, working on vehicles, and solving problems. They’re both sharp as tacks and dream of making it big in auto service. There’s just one key difference: Alex has a prepared mentor through Mentor Mentee, while Taylor’s flying solo. Let’s break it down.

The First Couple of Months

It starts with their mentor, Jordan, who’s close in age but has a ton of industry experience.
Jordan shows Alex the ropes, from what to avoid on the tool truck to approaching challenging diagnostic work.
They use Mentor Mentee to stay organized with training and follow Alex’s progress. Not just book stuff—fundamental skills Alex uses daily on the job.

Has no mentor and has to figure it out the hard way—messing up, getting criticized in front of the entire team, and showing up the next day to do it all over again.
The manager believes the other techs are too busy to help, so Taylor’s out there swimming with the sharks.
Messes up a few times, costing extra hours and getting plenty of cold stares from the team.

One Year Later

A dependable part of the crew trusted with big projects and complex fixes.
Learned a ton from Jordan’s feedback, avoiding bonehead mistakes, and is proud to have a complete history of their growth in Mentor Mentee.
Fits in like a glove, not just as a tech, but as a respected part of the team.

Finally getting the hang of being a tech, but it’s been a bumpy road.
Missed out on the nitty-gritty tips that you only get from someone who’s been there, done that.
Is leaving the industry altogether and assumes all managers, shops, and “training” paths are the same

The Bottom Line
So here it is, plain and simple: Alex had a smoother ride, picked up killer skills faster, and got along with everyone.
Taylor? A good tech, no doubt, but will soon be long gone from the industry.

Want to Level Up Your Mentoring Program?
“The school of hard knocks” is going out of business. With Mentor Mentee, you’re not just building mechanics; you’re building pros. Click below and see how we can make your team unstoppable.

Book a Demo with Mentor Mentee – You’ll get a full rundown with a pro in under 30 minutes.

The Superpower Fueling the Heavy-Duty Diesel Industry

If you’re in the heavy-duty diesel sector, you know that getting things to run smoothly is like conducting an orchestra. Every technician, every part, and every process must work in harmony. It’s no small feat, especially given the increasing complexity of diesel tech. So, how can you supercharge your team to meet this challenge head-on? The answer is straightforward yet underutilized: Technical Mentoring Programs.

The Talent Gap is Real
Let’s face it: the skills gap in the diesel industry isn’t narrowing. With rapid technological advancements, the need for skilled technicians is at an all-time high. Throw in the constant turnover, and you have an actual HR nightmare. That’s where mentoring comes in, not just as a band-aid but as a superpower. It equips your techs with the necessary skills faster and more efficiently, effectively bridging the talent gap.

Speedy Onboarding, Less Downtime
Traditional training methods take time, and we all know that in our industry, time is money. A mentoring program expedites the onboarding process. Seasoned techs impart valuable knowledge to rookies, reducing the time it takes them to become productive team members. Plus, with mentors overseeing, the chance of costly errors dips significantly.

Learning Beyond the Manual
Manuals teach you about machines, but mentors teach you about the nuances that only years of hands-on experience can offer. They offer insights into those tricky diagnostics that a book can’t cover. Mentors also transfer soft skills crucial in day-to-day operations but often overlooked, such as problem-solving and effective communication.

Building a Positive Culture
A thriving mentoring program doesn’t just benefit the mentee; it creates a more cohesive work environment. Mentors gain leadership skills, and mentees feel more connected to the company, increasing overall employee satisfaction and retention. It creates a continuous improvement cycle where today’s mentees become tomorrow’s mentors.

Customized Learning, Real Results
Finally, the one-size-fits-all approach is a thing of the past. Programs like Mentor Mentee offer customized task lists and soft skill courses specifically designed for the heavy-duty diesel industry. This ensures the mentoring focuses on the skills that will deliver the most impact, fast-tracking your team’s competence and confidence.

If you’re not already harnessing the power of technical mentoring programs, you’re leaving a lot of potential on the table. Not only can it help you attract quality talent, but it also makes your existing workforce more capable and committed.
Ready to give your team the superpower they deserve? Dive deeper into what a structured mentoring program can do for heavy-duty diesel operations. Trust us; it’s a game-changer.


Related: “A Tale of Two Techs: Why Having a Mentor Isn’t Just Fluff